Through our project areas we seek to bring hope and sustaining results to those who are impoverished, hungry, and hurting.
Health Systems Strengthening: HIRF partnerships are helping strengthen healthcare services across Sierra Leone. Throughout the year, we ship containers from the U.S. to Sierra Leone with medical supplies, equipment, and essential medicines to help hospitals and clinics across the country. Through our capacity building efforts, we provide training to health care staff to improve health outcomes. In January 2024, HIRF supported a Maternal and Newborn Health Conference and Training Program in Bo. Over 90 midwives and healthcare professionals received critical emergency care training. In January 2025, we supported similar training in Kenema to over 40 midwives and healthcare professionals.
Supporting Women and Children: HIRF is committed to supporting women and ensuring that vulnerable children can thrive at school. We support the education and living expenses for 24 children at St. Mary’s Fatima Interim Care Center and have provided food assistance to schools to address food insecurity issues. We are working with women farmers and market traders in the Bo District to provide training in best farming practices, networking, and marketing skills.
Disaster Relief & Recovery: When disaster strikes in Sierra Leone, HIRF and its partners are among the first on the front lines. Providing immediate relief through food, blankets, clothing, and cash funds, our goal is to uplift affected communities and help them get back on their feet for the long-term. To increase our impact, along with Caritas Freetown, Tzu Chi Foundation, and Lanyi Foundation a consortium was formed, Partnering to Serve Humanity, which allows us to better coordinate our resources and provide a more effective response.
With support from the U.S. Embassy in Sierra Leone, HIRF conducted a sustainable agriculture symposium in Bo for women involved in agriculture. Over 50 women participated and learned about sustainable agriculture practices and ways to improve their business skills. Njala University and Caritas Freetown partnered with HIRF in this effort.
Ranked 182 out of 189 on the UNDP Human Development Index, Sierra Leone battles to rise above the devastation left after the decade long civil war, Ebola and cholera outbreaks and torrential flooding. The population contends with chronic unemployment, high maternal and infant mortality, illiteracy, malnutrition, and malaria.
Healey International Relief Foundation has been involved in Sierra Leone since 2001. Our projects in Sierra Leone are focused on helping those most in need by strengthening the healthcare system through our Charity Health Network, caring for orphan and vulnerable children, and providing disaster relief and recovery.
Health services offered at the facilities include surgeries, primary care, maternal and child health, general disease treatment and critically needed immunizations. To support these services HIRF supplies medicines, medical supplies, and medical equipment. To enhance quality of care, we provide funding for capacity training for health care staff.
Less than half of the population of Sierra Leone is literate. Secondary school attendance is low, less than 40% of boys and girls participate.
Sierra Leone has one of the highest maternal and child mortality rates in the world. We’re looking to end preventable maternal mortality by providing resources to tackle the root causes.
Young women are some of the most vulnerable to violence and mortality in Sierra Leone. When women and girls have the tools and opportunities to succeed, their communities thrive.
Throughout the past 5 years, Sierra Leone has endured the Ebola crisis, as well as environmental disasters such as flooding and devastating mudslides in 2017. When disaster strikes, communities need support. HIRF has contributed thousands to disaster relief over the years.
“These products Healey Foundation is donating to this institution are the required quality and standards.”
“Massive thanks to the team for coming out…the entire staff was utterly grateful.”
“We are happy, we are appreciative. This gesture teaches us the need for one to be helpful to others.”
“The staff will make good use of this training by providing quality care to patients accessing the facility.”
“Today I am grateful.”
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